Map of Edible Plants and Natural Products
Good Is in Our Nature
Edible Plants on Map
Plant Species
Number of Countries
Rewards Pool
Your Health Map
Mark and navigate to healthy, edible plants and natural product makers.
Edible Plants and Eco Products
Discover over 350 edible plant species and local healthy food producers in your area.
Co-create Eden
Add edible plants, support creating the Eden green map, and earn rewards.
Plant Recognition with AI
Use artificial intelligence to identify plants you encounter.
Discover to Earn
Earn EDN tokens by adding fruit trees, bushes, herbs, and completing tasks.
Paid Zones
Mark locations in paid zones and collect EDN tokens that you can exchange for healthy products.
Compete in rankings, contests, and other challenges to earn tokens and attractive prizes.
Great Knowledge Base
More than just herbs. Discover true treasures hidden in nature.
Wild Pharmacy
Natural health prescription – check recipes for home remedies.
Wild Kitchen
Discover healthy and delicious dishes in our wild cookbook.
Plants in 3D
Take a close look at plants on your phone using augmented reality.
Is It Worth Sharing What’s Good? Naturally!
Mark a Plant
Mark wild apple trees, nuts, and other delicious edible plants. Sharing goodness brings joy :)
Earn EDN Tokens
Receive EDN tokens for activity – adding plants or participating in challenges.
4,000,000 PLN in the rewards pool!
Spend Healthily
Use EDN tokens to buy healthy products, courses, or services – enjoy nature's gifts!
Get to Know Green.Marketplace – Only Healthy Products!
What is the EDN token and how can you earn by adding plants to the map?
Truly Green.Marketplace
Shop directly from those who care about nature and health. No sugar, no GMO, no preservatives, and no unnecessary chemicals. Only verified sellers.
Flexible Payments
Pay conveniently online or use EDN tokens earned in the app.
Supporting Eco Producers
Buy high-quality products created with love for nature.
Become Part of Our Healthy Community
Gain access to knowledge from natural medicine experts, herbalists, and health enthusiasts. Get to know nature and connect with like-minded individuals.
Believe in Eden? Join In
Buy EDN tokens and join the community supporting the platform's future.
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